News is sparse, but the only information found so far comes from Rene Kinzett's twitter postings.
He was at yesterdays budget meeting and gave some updates during the meeting (let's hope Wendy didn't see him playing with his Blackberry as he would have been subject to the wrath of the evil social services destroyer).
Some points he makes are...
- There was a good turnout from people making a protest about the tennis centre and respite care home closures.
- He makes the point that the council is in shit up to its eyeballs and not a clue how to sort it out.
- Schools shall get a £1m cut.
- Tennis centre shall be consulted on closure, they have until April to come up with a plan.
- Holley tries blaming budget deficit on everyone else, but Labours' Councillor Hynes makes the point that the meeting is to talk about Swansea, not everywhere else.
- Medium term budget plan was passed.
Thanks for picking up on my tweets, I kept my BB out of sight of the PO! There is now a story on the EP but only really about the ending of weekly non-recyclable waste: